Nyfty AI Intro

Please watch the 2 minute video before continuing:

This short video gives a very quick intro to Nyfty and how the AI works.

This short video gives a very quick intro to Nyfty and how the AI works.

Step 01 - Arriving onsite (Attendance Bot)

First Time Check In

Next Time Check In

Workforce Data Options for Attendance Bot

Minimum Data

Additional Worker Types

Workforce Labor Types for Inclusion & Diversity Statistics

COVID-19 Vaccination Status

Partner Self Management Portal

If you are a Foreman you can be given access to the ‘Partner Self Management Portal’ which allows them to check their workers have arrived, check in any workers who don’t have a phone and export their attendance info.

More info about Partner Self Management here.

Partner Self Management Portal 001.png

Bot Owner Notifications & Mobile Access (Attendance Bot)

The Owner of the Bot (typically the Superintendent), and any other people configured, will be sent a “Live Update” link by text message at the start of each day, usually when people start checking in. The “Live Update” link shows a list of each worker that has checked in, what time and optionally if they have checked out. It is also possible to click their name to call them.

Superintendents can also access the more details ‘Partner Self Management Portal’ for their own company.

<aside> 💡 We plan to add questions to Attendance Bot to get emergency contact info (instead of using Orientation Bot for this). We will then make this data available in this screen for each worker.


Attendance Bot Live Update Screen.png

Realtime Integration to Procore (Attendance Bot)

Step 2 - Automatic Documents & Safety Processes

Any document or inspection can be automatically requested from people who check-in. These can be requested daily or weekly, and can be based on project role, i.e. Foreman, Worker, or Visitor. It can also be based on other information like vaccination status (if required). Alternatively, these can also be triggered based on a fixed list of contacts and a schedule.