<aside> 💡 Please note we're currently building this support site, and it's not really ready, but hey, we figure it can't do any harm to share it as we build it - Please bear with us!



Whilst the 'Team Console' is the main User Interface for setting up and managing your Bots, a simple way for users to access their Bots is through Procore's 'Embedded Experience'.

This means that users can access the automation they have access to from right within their Procore Project. The Console they see is simplified to just access or create Automations (Not create teams or manage billing).

We've put together a quick video here:


Check it out in Procore's Market Place:

NYFTY.AI - Little Robot Helpers (Embedded)

Did we miss something? Not to worry! Just email our support team at [email protected] ✌️